The notice period is the time interval in which an employee has to work in his job position after he has resigned from his company….
What is Political Organization? Types and Benefits Explained
A political organization is an organization that is engaged in a political process or political activities. It aims to achieve its pre-defined political goals to…
What are Ethical Considerations in Research?
Ethical consideration is a collection of principles and values that should be followed while doing human affairs. The ethical considerations make sure that no-one acts…
Human Relations: Meaning, Importance and Advantages
Human relations are defined as the relationship between people, especially in a professional context. It is an integral part of career success and relates to…
What is Net Salary? Meaning and Calculation
Net salary is the amount that is paid by an employer to his workforce against the services they perform for him. It is paid regularly…
What is Outplacement? Definition and Benefits
Outplacement is defined as a support service that is offered to former employees so that they can search for other employment opportunities. The organizations often…
What is Pay Equity? Definition, Characteristics and Benefits
One of the most simple pay equity definitions is equal pay for work of equal value. Pay Equity is the level to which the employee’s…
What are the Basic Ethical Standards in the Workplace?
Ethical standards are used for establishing the behavioral parameters that business-owners and senior-level managements expect from their employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Maintaining ethical standards…
What is Salary Grade? Definition, Working and Advantages
What is the salary grade? A salary grade is a level of predetermined compensation for a specific position in the organization. The levels are set…
What is Volunteerism? Definition, Examples, Tips and Advantages
The act or practice of doing volunteer work in community service – Merriam Webster. Definition Volunteerism is defined as a concept or practice of offering…
Organizational Conflict: Definition, Types and Advantages
Organizational conflict is defined as a state of disagreement that is caused by perceived or actual opposition amongst the people working in an organization. The…
Customer Loyalty: Definition, Importance, Elements & Stages
Customer Loyalty is a measure of how faithful is the customer to the brand or the possibility of a customer to opt for repeat purchases…
Decision Trees: Definition, Features, Types and Advantages
Decision trees are the predictive models or visual/analytical Decision Support Tools that utilize a tree-like model of decisions in which predictions are made on the…
Assertiveness Skills: Definition, Characteristics and Types
Have you always wanted to speak up for yourself? Are you looking for the right ways to express your feelings freely without losing temper? Then…
What is Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and its Benefits?
When math and psychology are adeptly used for analyzing, organizing, managing, and leveraging complex decision, it is understood as Analytic Hierarchy Process or AHP. Working…
The Top 15 Common Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs
An entrepreneur is someone who dares to build a business on an innovative idea. He builds his business independently, facing and baring all the risks…
Empathic Listening: Definition, Qualities, Skills and Tips
Empathic listening is defined as listening with an intent to care with the feeling of compassion and emotional understanding. It is also known as active…
Desk Research: Definition, Importance and Advantages
Research is an integral part of the marketing of every business. The success of a business depends on the acceptability of the product. Research is…
7 Steps to Create Strategic HRM (Human Resource Management)
Strategic HRM or Strategic Human Resource Management is a process of attracting talent and then retaining, rewarding, and developing them so that at the end…
Brainstorming: Definition, Importance, Types and Tips
Brainstorming revolves around the minds behind design and ideation, as it is the gateway to great ideas. In the simplest form, brainstorming can be understood…
Principles, History & Business Model of HUL (Hindustan Unilever)
Business Model of Hul revolves around the production of fast-moving consumer goods. Established in the year 1933 by the Lever Brothers of United Kingdom, HUL…
What is Consumer Behavior? Definition, Example, Types & Factors
Consumer behavior is the behavioral patterns, decision processes, and actions that a consumer follows while making a purchase decision for a product or service for…
What is Data Analysis? Techniques, Types, and Steps Explained
Process of analyzing, evaluating, cleansing, modeling, and transforming data by utilizing different statistical or analytical tools for finding out some useful information to make helpful…
What is Job Crafting? Definition, Types and Advantages
Job crafting is defined as a process where the employees tend to make effective changes in their job designs so that it can result in…
Six Thinking Hats: Definition, Benefits & Framework Explained
By using the concepts of Six Thinking Hats, you will be able to ensure a secure environment for everyone at a meeting where everyone can…
Business Model of Big Bazaar Explained
Shopping is necessary for one and all. There are two basic types of shopping. One is done in retail stores, and the other one is…
Business Model of Education Explained
The business model of education revolves around different processes of facilitating learning or procuring skills, knowledge, beliefs, habits, or values. Education is indeed one of…
Advocacy Groups: Definition, Explanation and History
Advocacy groups are defined as groups that use a special form of advocacy to influence or change public opinion, ultimately impacting the policy. Explanation Advocacy…
All the Communication Models in Businesses Explained
Communication plays a significant role in the day-to-day life of humans. Similarly, the role of communication is crucial in the business world. If you want…
The Complete Guide to Employee Engagement Strategy
Employees are one of the essential resources of an organization. Companies spend a lot in the recruitment, hiring, and training process of their employees. Therefore,…
Organizational Learning: Definition, Types and Benefits
Organizational learning is referred to as a continuous process in an organization that boosts its ability to accept and respond to both external and internal…
What are Research Limitations and Tips to Organize Them
Limitations are constraints or restrictions. Therefore, research limitations are constraints or restrictions in research which have been put on the method of your study and…
What is Conflict Management and Steps to Resolve It
Conflict management is defined as the necessary steps taken to handle the disagreements between two or more parties. What is Conflict? Conflict is defined as…
Business Model Canvas Explained (with Benefits and Usage)
Business Model Canvas is a strategic management template or the structure of a business plan. It enables you to enlist all the building blocks related…
What is Communication? Importance, Elements & Types Explained
Communication is a way by which meaningful messages can be conveyed across people to convey ideas. Any kind of medium may be used by communication…
What is Distributive Bargaining? Importance, Advantages & Example
Distributive bargaining can be defined as a scenario where two or more parties try to divide a fixed resource. The process of distributive bargaining usually…
Business Model of Amazon and How Amazon Makes Money
The business model of Amazon revolves around industries related to E-Commerce, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Distribution, Consumer Electronics, and Self-driving Cars. Amazon’s business model…
What is Career Break? And Why it is Necessary (with Ideas)
We are humans, and it is entirely normal for us to feel burnout at some points in our life. We all feel like taking a…
What is the Main Business Model of Insurance Companies?
The business model of Insurance Companies channelizes through revenue generation by putting money on risk. They bet on the risk that their policyholders will not…
Attrition: Definition, Working, Types, Pros and Cons
As a workforce, talent, or human resource management process, attrition revolves around the deliberate downsizing of the workforce or employees via retirement, resignation, sickness, or…