Success comprises of many things and is to a great extent dependent upon individual preferences and desires. For one person, it can be a high-profile job, whereas, for another, it can be saying goodbye to that dream job and living a laid-back and comfortable life that does not have any work pressure.
Success is easy to achieve when you give your one hundred per cent effort to the job in hand. It is about setting concrete and realistic goals, believing in your abilities and remembering to balance your personal and professional life. It is also about going after your needs, fulfilling your wants and telling no when required.
Dedication, mutual trust, certainty and sacrifice along with a positive attitude and hard work are required to accomplish your goals and objectives. Success means realising your aspirations and shaking of your doubts from time to time.
It is not easy as the fear, self-doubt and worry along with a difference in opinion, approach, attitude and aspirations become shackles and prove barriers in a purposeful pursuit.
It is a fact that there are numerous barriers to success that rise as walls in front of an individual and stops him from achieving his heart’s desire. In the absence of right structure, support, system and leadership, the organization is the one to suffer. Let us have a sneak peek at the barriers that are stopping a person from succeeding in his professional and personal life.
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18 common barriers to success
Some of the most common barriers to success are as follows-
1. Not enough time
Every task and every project needs time, and if you have not allotted enough time for it, then it will prove a barrier to success.
To overcome this barrier set aside the necessary time so that it becomes possible to meet deadlines without undue pressure.
2. Lack of recognition
It is essential to show your appreciation for a job done well. Small things matter and an employee looks up for recognition and approval from his superiors. When his contribution is not recognised, then it hurts his mindset.
It results in lack of motivation and engagement that impacts his performance adversely. Lack of recognition is one of the barriers to success, and if you want to overcome this obstacle, his extra effort must be rewarded.
Introduce formal systems in the organisation so that the excellent work of the employees can be duly appreciated and recognised in front of everyone.
3. Burnout
If you are looking for a barrier to success, then one of the most important ones is burnout. Human life has become fast-paced where most employees are dedicated and hardworking.
The desire and commitment to reach their goal takes a toll on physical health. Stress, fatigue, exhaustion, anxiety and depression become an integral part of life, and this leads to burnout.
It is easy to overcome this obstacle by leading a balanced life and taking care of physical, emotional and mental health. Practice meditation and exercise as many days as you can, get adequate sleep and make time for days-off and proper vacations so that you can avoid burnout
4. Poor communication skills
Open and effective communication is the backbone of a business entity. Poor communication in the workplace is considered a barrier to success as it creates a toxic work atmosphere that leads to disarray and frustration amongst the employees.
An organisation cannot survive and grow in such circumstances. If you want to overcome this barrier, make sure that all the channels are open and the employees can communicate with their superiors easily.
It is the responsibility of the managers to identify when poor communication is hurting a company and take viable measures to rectify it
5. Lack of managerial involvement
Managers are essential in an organisation as they act as a bridge between the upper executives and the employees. They are the ones who are entrusted with outstanding work that has to be completed within the set timeline. It is the manager who delegates responsibilities, creates efficient teams and makes sure that everything is happening in an organised manner.
If the manager is not involved in the execution of his duties and does not have time to keep a vigilant eye on predetermined tasks, then his lack of involvement is a significant barrier to success.
If you want to overcome this obstacle, make sure that the manager is taking up the responsibility of his role in an effective manner. He is regularly checking with people working under him and making sure that organisational challenges are met successfully.
6. Lack of growth opportunities
Every employee has some dreams and goals. He wants to reach his target as soon as possible, and this is why he gives his hundred per cent effort in the organisation. He is always on the look-out for viable opportunities that will boost his career graph and help him to take a step closer to his personal goals.
Lack of growth opportunities is a barrier to success as the employee will lose interest in working to his maximum ability if his personal goals are not met.
If you want to overcome this obstacle, make sure that there are internal processes in place to accommodate opportunities for employee growth in the organisation.
7. Perfectionism
It is good to do your tasks with perfection, but in some cases, an abundance of perfectionism becomes a barrier to success. This is because a perfectionist is never satisfied with the result, and he keeps on trying to improve it repeatedly.
It will then become impossible to complete tasks and meet deadlines.
If you are looking for ways to overcome this barrier, then accept that nothing is perfect in this world, and there should not be any scope left for rectifications again and again.
8. Unavailability of resources and opportunities
Unavailability of resources and ample opportunities acts as a barrier to success. If you want to overcome this obstacle, then be active and try to grasp new opportunities that come your way.
Make sure that essential resources are available to the business entity and it can utilise it to maximum capacity.
9. Lack of innovation and improvement
An organisation must be receptive to innovation at regular intervals.
It must work diligently to improve its processes so that the company can show better gains. It will also boost employee engagement, and employee retention as every employee wants to work in an organisation that is moving with the times.
Lack of innovation and improvement in an organization will prove a significant barrier to future success. One of the ways to overcome this obstacle is by creating a work culture that promotes the concept of improvement and advancement
10. Working individually
A team is made up of a diverse group that works together irrespective of its diversity. Everyone has to find a balance so that the project can be completed within the set deadlines. Individual members are assigned roles, but at the end of the day, the ownership of the task is of the team and not an individual.
Working individually and thinking of personal gain will interfere with the team dynamics and cause friction. It is one of the significant barriers to success in an organisation and if you want to overcome it, then emphasise on the importance of teamwork.
Make sure that there is no place for ego or personal glory and it is all about the team and not an individual entity
11. Not enough rewards
An entrepreneur works unimaginable hours to achieve the desired success. What happens when the bottom line of his financial statement does not show the figures he is expecting? Not enough reward is heartbreaking and often becomes a barrier to success because all the efforts have been in vain.
It is such times discouragement starts taking roots.
If you are interested in overcoming this hurdle, then be patient and do not lose hope. Some things take time, and it is essential to be consistent, willing, innovative and efficient during these times to reap the rewards in the future.
12. Uncertainty
The first rule of a business is to have clear goals, objectives, mission, and vision so that it can result in clear outcomes. A company that does not include measurable goals and reasonable objectives in its business plan will have employees that are uncertain about their tasks.
This uncertain environment is a barrier to success and if you want to overcome this obstacle, then make sure that every stakeholder is aware of the company goals and objectives and is working to meet them adequately.
13. Lack of ownership
It is a fact that with changing times organizations are empowering their employees so that they become essential wheels in the system.
The concept has found approval from the employees as it helps them to find success effectively. They are happy to take ownership of their decisions as it gives them a golden opportunity to shine in their light.
Lack of ownership is a barrier to success and if you are looking for ways to overcome it, then empower the employees in an organization. This will encourage better collaboration, improved teamwork, and continuous improvement and will ultimately result in numerous opportunities for personal as well as professional growth and development.
14. Lack of focus
An essential barrier to success is the lack of focus in an employee. Are you one of those employees who are not satisfied with his lot and want to jump from one task to another without completing the previous one?
Such people come across as confused, and if you want to overcome this obstacle, it is essential to be focused and finish your pending projects.
Prioritize your tasks and make sure that there is no place for procrastination in the new environment.
15. Negative attitude
Attitude has a direct impact on our behavior and how we accomplish tasks in our surroundings. The negative attitude will result in contaminating the office environment, and this is why it is considered a barrier to success.
If you are looking for ways to overcome this obstacle, try to replace it with a positive approach and optimistic behavior.
16. Having self-doubts
When you doubt yourself, it becomes impossible to take any effective decisions. Self-doubt is the result of a lack of confidence in your abilities and is considered a serious barrier to success.
People with this trait often keep on making stupid mistakes that can be easily avoided.
If you are looking for ways to overcome this obstacle, then practice restraint so that you stop doubting yourself. Now keep working on your confidence so that you can achieve the desired success.
17. Distractions
One of the barriers to success is a distraction as they are everywhere. Picking up a call from a family member, looking at incoming messages, checking WhatsApp, getting up for a cup of coffee etc. are all forms of distraction that we unknowingly participate in every day.
If you are looking for ways to remove this obstacle, it is essential to identify the ones that are regularly occurring and making sure that these are not in your vicinity anymore to disturb you.
For instance, switch off the sound of your mobile and keep it at a distance so that you do not have the urge to check it regularly for messages or calls. Remind yourself what is at stake, and it is the focus that will help you to accomplish your dreams and desired goals.
18. Too much planning
Excess of anything is wrong and so is the case with excessive planning. Pay attention to details as planning in an organization is essential. Too much of it becomes a barrier to success.
If you are looking for ways to overcome this hurdle, then pay equal attention to both planning and implementation as both are important for an organization.
The barriers to success are unhealthy behavioral patterns and habits that put roadblocks to future success. Stop holding yourself back, be confident, and march forward with sheer grit and determination to achieve success.
How can you conquer the obstacles on your path to success?
According to a Gallup study, only 29% of employees feel engaged at work, which highlights the critical need for effective recognition and opportunities for growth. Increasing engagement can lead to a 21% increase in profitability and a 17% boost in productivity for businesses. Implementing formal systems to appreciate employees’ efforts not only improves morale but also significantly contributes to the overall success of the organization. (Source: Gallup)
Quick Tip: To combat burnout, consider incorporating a technique known as the “Pomodoro Technique,” which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a five-minute break. This method can help maintain mental clarity and focus, ultimately leading to a more balanced and productive workday. Regular practice of this method has been shown to enhance job satisfaction and reduce stress, according to research published in the Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology.
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