Definition Contract manufacturing is defined as the production of goods by a company for a brand or label of another company. This is an outsourcing…
Business Articles
The Business category consists of detailed articles on Business Management and is a great place to start your Business Journey.
Business Model of Urbanclap and How does Urbanclap make money?
The business model of UrbanClap revolves around connecting service providers with the service seekers. UrbanClap is an online platform that allows people to find professionals…
The Importance of Transportation Explained
Transportation is literally described as a means of carrying people as well as goods and animals from one location to another. It has been in…
Business Model: Meaning, Key Components and Types
Do you have an idea for a small business that you want to create? Well, in that case, do you think you are all set?…
8 Features of Bureaucracy: Advantages and Disadvantages
Bureaucracy is defined as the organization and its administration that handles the everyday transactions and business of a society or a government. The term bureaucracy…
Joint Venture: Meaning, Objective, Feature, Advantages, & Disadvantages
The joint venture is a commonly used word in the business environment. A joint venture is a business arrangement where two or more companies get…
Business Process Reengineering: Importance, History, and Examples
Business Process Reengineering (BPR) can be defined as a process of analyzing and redesigning the entire business process of an organization in order to improve…
Profit Center: Meaning & How to Measure the Performance of Profit Center
A profit center is defined as an integral part of a business entity that makes identifiable contributions towards the organization’s coffers. It is a separate…
Profiteering: Meaning, Types, Examples, and Why is Profiteering wrong?
Profiteering is defined as an activity that helps to generate an unreasonable amount of profit through sales of essential products during times of emergency. The…
Shadow Pricing: Meaning, Examples, Advantages, Uses, and Limitations
Shadow pricing is defined as allotting a monetary value to a current intangible item that does not yet have a market of its own to…
Business Model of WhatsApp and How does WhatsApp make money?
In this article, we have analyzed the the Business Model of Whatsapp in depth. WhatsApp is a communication and messaging service that lets users send…
What is Bottom line? Meaning, Calculations and how to Increase it
The final earnings or profit, earnings per share EPS, or Net Income is referred to as the bottom line of the company. The bottom name…
What is Economic Environment? 10 Factors affecting it
The economic environment can be defined as the combination of all the economic factors such as, inflation, income, employment rate, etc. which affect the buying…
Natural Monopoly: Regulation, Advantages, Disadvantages and Examples
Natural monopoly as the name suggests is a type of monopoly that exists in the industry because the infrastructural costs give the largest and in…
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Advantages, Limitations, Examples, and Relevance
Cost-benefit analysis is defined as an approach to determine the weaknesses and strengths of action in business. It is a decision making concept employed to…
Break-even Point: Meaning, Advantages, Disadvantages and Examples
The breakeven point is defined as the point where both total expenses and total revenues are equal to each other. It is the production level…
Business Model of Groupon and How Does Groupon Make Money?
Founded in the year 2008, Groupon is an American Company that offers Online Deal Marketplace. The business model of Groupon revolves around connecting local consumers…
Business Model of IBM and How does IBM Make Money?
Founded in the year 1911, IBM is multilingual IT Company based in America. The business model of IBM or International Business Machines Corporation revolves around…
What is Business Structure? Common Business Structures Explained
Business structure is defined as an organizational framework for carrying out commercial activities. It is a legally recognized structure that is characterized by its category….
Economic Order Quantity: Meaning, Formula, Assumptions, & Advantages
Economic order quantity is also popularly known as EOQ. It is defined as a production scheduling concept as it is used to determine the frequency…
Hostile Takeover: Meaning, Tactics, Disadvantages & Examples
A hostile takeover is defined in simple terms as a process where a business entity is purchased by someone against the wishes of the actual…
Impact Analysis: Meaning, Understanding, Types and Necessity
Impact analysis is defined as a structural approach adopted by the management level to determine the negative impact of change that has happened because of…
What is Internalization: Meaning, Benefits, Limitations, and Examples
Internalization is described as a transaction that is handled by an entity itself without transferring or routing it via an external source. This process applies…
16 Important Features of a Company
A company is a body which is established by people for business purposes and registered under the company act law. A company is considered as…
Import and Export: Meaning & Key Difference Between Import and Export
The international trade of a country with other countries is referred to as import and export. The word import refers to international trade where a…
Organic Growth: Meaning, Examples, & Strategies to achieve Organic Growth in Business
A common challenge that all businesses face is the growth of the business, and it is always on the mind of a businessman to think…
Conflict of Interest: Meaning, Causes and examples
A conflict of interest is a condition in which a person gas competing for loyalties or interests. It includes an individual who has two relationships…
What is Corporate Image and why it is so Important?
A corporate image of a company can be defined as an image that people hold in their mind about the company, its products, and its…
Social Audit: Definition, Example, Importance, Objectives & Components
A social audit can be defined as a review of a company’s production procedure, policies, and code of conduct to find how they impact society. It…
12 Important Features of Bill of Exchange
A bill of exchange can be defined as a legal document which contains the information about the future payment from the person who is required…
Top 10 Features of a Bank and the Banking System
Banks play an essential role in industrial work and trade. In a country, the development of a country is measured based on how well the…
Top 10 Important Features of a Partnership
A partnership in business can be defined as the mutual participation of two or more partners to conduct business. In partnership, everything such as investment,…
Business Risk: Definition, Types, Importance and How to Minimize it
In simple terms, business risks can be understood as the risks, threats, uncertainties associated with a business that may hamper in accomplishing the financial goals….
Free On Board: Meaning, Advantages Of Free On Board Contract
Free On Board or FOB as it is commonly referred to is a trade term that signifies a seller’s commitment to delivering the promised merchandise…
6 Reasons that Explain The Importance of Globalization
The world of business has been blessed with a boon of globalization that has worked wonders not only for the big players in the market…
How To Advertise Small Businesses?
Have you ever tried to advertise small businesses on a shoe-string budget? Well, if you haven’t then you probably don’t know how tough it can…
9 Main Objectives of Business Plan
A recent study has shown that a vast majority of businesses fail due to the lack of a proper business plan. The business plan can…
Data vs Information: Difference with a Comparison Table & Examples
Data and information are common terms that get thrown around a lot, but many don’t fully understand the difference between them. When it comes to…
What is Activity Report? Role of Activity Report for management
Marketing activity involves a hierarchy. The top management takes important decisions and formulates goals and objectives to be realized by means of effective marketing. The…
6 Types of Business Plans most Commonly used for Funding or Planning
The starting point for any successful business is a properly formulated business plan. Without a business plan, the business is just like a body roaming…