Staff turnover is defined as the rate at which the staff in an organization leave the firm at a specific time. The term staff turnover…
Human Resources
Human resources management is a critical function for any organization as the right people in the right place can make a huge difference. All HR related articles are covered this category.
Labour Relations – Components, Importance, Purpose
Labour relations incorporate the processes involved in between Management & Union or Employers & Workforce for making effective decisions and channelising an organisation. With the…
Training Needs Analysis – Features, Components, Levels and Benefits
Training Needs Analysis is the process of identifying the training and development needs of the workforce, so they can perform their jobs more effectively to…
What is Competency Management? Benefits and Challenges
Definition Competency management is a process to manage and develop the skills of an employee. It identifies essential abilities that are needed to improve performance…
Work Sampling – Definition, Meaning and Usage
Work-sampling is defined as a technique for determining and predicting the total or the proportion of the time consumed by a specified activity. It is…
8 Popular Training Methods and their Advantages
Training is defined as an organized process that helps people to learn skills and knowledge for a particular purpose. It is a basic concept that…
Zero Hours Contract – Advantages and Disadvantages
Zero Hours contract is an agreement between an employee and a company that doesn’t have any fixed time. In this, the employee does not have…
Profit Sharing: Definition, Objectives, Methods
Money, as we all know, is a great motivator, and if an employee is offered a chance of owning a part of profits, it takes…
Employment at will – Definition, Meaning, Exceptions, Advantages
Employment at will is defined as a contract of employment that can be terminated at any time and for any reason by any of the…
Constructive Dismissal: Definition, Meaning, Examples And Types
Constructive dismissal is defined as a violation of employee rights so severe that the employee does not have any other recourse other than resigning from…
What is Unfair Dismissal – Definition, Meaning, Application and Examples
Unfair dismissal as the name suggests is a dismissal that is unfair, which means a termination without a valid reason and which does not comply…
Why is Work Life Balance Incredibly Important in Todays world?
Work-life balance is a term that signifies a perfect balance between personal and professional life in a way that one does not infringe on the…
Grace Period – Definition, Meaning and Examples
A grace period is defined as the extra time that is given to someone to complete his task after the expected completion date. During this…
10 Causes of Unemployment – Reasons for Unemployment
Unemployment has become a rising concern in the economy and there are many Causes of unemployment which are all studied in this article. In today’s…
25 Types of recruitment
Recruitment is a process of finding, shortlisting, and enlisting the best-talent and best-qualified candidates for a job vacancy in a cost-effective manner. Large companies have…
Open Door Policy – Meaning, Benefits and How it works
Open Door Policy is a management process where every single employee in an organisation can gain access to senior executives without being deterred by any…
Performance Management: Meaning, Objectives, and Benefits
The role of Human Resource (HR) department in any organization has moved to new standards over the past few years. The focus of the department…
How To Calculate Hourly Rate Of Work (Step by Step Explained)
Services are a saleable commodity, and you need to be aware of the hourly rate of work, whether you are an employee or an employer….
Diversity in the Workplace: Benefit and Importance Explained
With the changing times and eras of the business and the corporate world, the companies are going global, expanding their horizons. As more and more…
The Importance of Culture Listed
Culture refers to the intangible aspects of the social life that consists of practices, communication, language, belief, and values that is a common factor between…
15 Features of Culture and the Meaning of Culture
Culture is defined in various ways by various sociologist and anthropologists. Here are a few definitions of culture. E.S. Bogardus defines culture as “A way…
11 Characteristics Of Organisational Culture
Each organisation has a different culture, like the culture of different communities. People of one community follows the same beliefs, values, assumptions, and rituals. Similarly,…
Job Analysis: Meaning, Objectives, Steps involved, and Advantages
Job analysis is defined as a process that garners and later analyzes the collected data and information about the context and requirements of a job….
Job Evaluation: Meaning, Objectives, Features, Methods, and Limitations
Job evaluation is an approach to determine the worth of one specific job about other positions in a company and even across an industry. The…
Reference Check: Meaning, Purpose, Precautions, and Disadvantages
A reference check is defined as a process that an employer adopts to gather information about someone he is interested in recruiting. He takes help…
Performance Appraisal Process: Meaning, Types, and Objectives
The performance appraisal process is defined as a process under which periodic assessment is undertaken to evaluate the performance of an employee. The input by…
Sensitivity Training: Meaning, Steps, Examples, Tips, and Importance
Sensitivity training is defined as an unorganized meeting that is held between a few members away from their workplace to gain a better insight into…
Needs Assessment: Meaning, Steps, Benefits and Limitations
Needs assessment is defined as a powerful tool for addressing the needs between current as well as desired wants. It is used by organizations for…
Exit Interview: Meaning, Objectives, Tips, Advantages, & Disadvantages
An exit interview is defined as the final formal meeting between the management and employee who is leaving the company, a member and an association…
Golden Parachute: Meaning, Examples, Advantages, and Legality
A golden parachute is defined as a contract between an employer and a top-level executive that offers substantial financial benefits from one to other upon…
Difference Between Award and Reward with Examples
When it comes to recognition, many people are unaware of the difference between award and reward. An award is something that is earned or won…
Job Enlargement : Overview, Meaning, Advantages & Examples
Definition of job enrichment Job Enlargement is defined as a process of adding to the responsibilities and duties of a job by extending their range…
10 Key Differences between Assessment and Evaluation
The English language is full words whose meaning is quite close to each other that people get confused with their usage. Many people make a…
What is Golden Handshake: Examples, Advantages, and Disadvantages
The golden handshake is an agreement between an employer and an employee. It is a clause in the employment contract that offers the executive a…
Self Appraisal – 10 Key Steps To Write Performs Review And Explained With Examples
When an organization asks its employees to self evaluate their performances, Self Assessment comes in play. Self-appraisals are mostly part of the annual performance review…
Top 18 Performance Appraisal Methods for Best Results
Analyzing the performance of an employee based on various factors is known as Performance Appraisal. This is done to assess the work quality of an…
Who are Non exempt Employees? Definition, Meaning and Examples
Definition of Non-Exempt Employees Employees who work as per the FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) regulations are defined as Non-Exempt Employees. FLSA decides the minimum…
What is Employee Performance and how to Measure Employee Performance?
At the core of a successful business is effective management of employee performance. For example, regular feedback sessions and goal setting will help ensure that…
Equality vs Equity – Difference Between Equity And Equality
In this article, we are going to discuss one of the most controversial topics which are the difference between equality and equity. The difference between…
What Is Employee Onboarding? Importance Of Employee Onboarding
Employee Onboarding can be understood as a mechanism that enables new employees to comprehend, acclimate, assimilate and engage with the Social and Performance aspects of…