Definition: The 7 c’s Of communication can be defined as a checklist used to help effective communication between two or more parties and make sure…
Management Category
Learn the principles and practices of effective management, including leadership, strategy, and decision-making.
Starbursting: A Brainstorming Technique For New Ideas
What is Starbursting? Starbursting refers to a structured approach that is used by team members to generate lots of new ideas for a specific new…
SCAMPER – Technique For Creative Problem Solving
As a creativity and idea-generation technique, SCAMPER is an acronym of seven key steps (Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, & Reverse)…
TRIZ – Concepts and Techniques For Problem Solving
As a brainstorming and problem-solving technique, TRIZ revolves around methodologies dedicated to some innovative procedures and product innovations. Whenever we work on a new project,…
What is Quality Control? List of 7 QC Tools
Quality Control involves the use of quality management tools to analyze and solve work-related problems in an effective and result-driven manner. The quality of a…
10 Skills for Handling Different Role of Management
The Role of Management is pivotal in the adept channelization of any corporate office, business, or organization. So, whether a firm is large or small, …
Organizational Culture – Definition, Importance and Types
The reason for having any culture is to show individuals how to “see” the world around them. When it comes to organizational culture, it is…
OODA Loops – Meaning and Steps
Definition: OODA Loop is the concept designed initially for the combat operations proceedings, and now it is also applied for understanding learning processes, commercial operations,…
Ladder of Inference – Steps, Proceeds and Use
The ladder of inference is a theory that implies that people jump to conclusions by putting them together to make it a five. Decision making…
11 Important Leadership Challenges which Leaders Face
The challenges associated with leadership positions in any industry are called leadership challenges. They are specific to the organization’s leaders, and most of the time,…
Time Management Matrix
Definition: Covey’s time management matrix is a time management tool that individuals and businesses can use for prioritizing key tasks and finding out time wasters….
Ethics – Definition, Importance and Types
Definition Ethics are the moral principles that govern the behavioral inclinations and activities of an individual, society, or organization. Ethics revolves around the philosophical study…
McClelland’s Theory of Needs (Achievement, Affiliation and Power)
What is McClelland’s theory of needs? McClelland’s theory of needs is a theory that describes how people in an organization are motivated by the need…
Interpersonal Communication: Meaning, Types, Importance, Elements and Examples
Interpersonal communication is a term that refers to the communication that takes place between people, or groups of people. It can be defined as a…
10 Leadership Behaviors Every Leader should Possess
leadership behaviors always speak louder than the words of a leader. Leaders are always under the microscope, as employees see and analyze their leaders carefully…
How to find your passion? 12 Ways (With Examples)
Passion should not be complicated as it can then overwhelm you; instead, let it be something that interests you so that you can embrace it…
Interim Manager – Role, Challenges and How to succeed as one
What is an Interim Manager? An Interim Manager is hired when the permanent manager of an organization leaves the position, and the company is looking…
Corporate Communication: Definition, Types and Benefits
Have you ever wondered what corporate communication is? Corporate communications refers to communication is an often-misunderstood phrase that is used in the workplace. The main…
7 Different Types of Power Leaders can Use
In an organization, leaders use different power types to influence employees’ attitudes, values, and behaviors to accomplish organizational goals. Such managerial power aims to either…
What is Level 5 Leadership and how to become a Level 5 Leader
Level 5 leadership is the residing point of some of the top CEOs globally, as it paves the path of great leadership. Jim Collins developed…
Problems with of Lack of Communication and How to improve it
Lack of communication refers to poor communication that leads to insufficient team knowledge, regular conflict, low employee self-esteem, emotional intelligence and ineffective teamwork. The employee…
Communication Design: Definition, Meaning, Types and Examples
Have you ever wondered what communication design is? You’re not alone, in fact many people are curious about the definition of communication design, who or…
Team Development – 5 Stages and Importance
What is Team Development? Team development is an approach where training and support are provided to a group of individuals so that they can work…
What is Face-to-Face communication?
Face-to-face communication refers to the interaction between two or more people where everyone is in direct contact with each other. It is also known as…
Interactive Model of Communication
Definition – Interactive model of communication is a communication process that refers to the exchange of ideas, messages and information from the sender to the receiver…
Corporate Planning Definition – Strategy, Importance, Objectives and Elements
Corporate planning is a type of strategic planning, responsible for mapping out a course of strategies and their implementations to empower top-management. It optimizes exposure,…
How To Develop The Future Leaders Of Your Company?
Future leaders are current non-leaders who can be developed and groomed to be a leader in the future. They are currently not in a leadership…
Team – Definition, Meaning, Characteristics and Difference from groups
Definition : A team is a group of people with distinct skillsets and abilities. People work together as team members follow an organizational culture to…
What is Demand Planning and Why is it Important?
What is Demand Planning? Demand planning is a process that helps to forecast the demand for a service or a product so that it can…
Intrapersonal Communication – Definition, Types and Forms
Intrapersonal communication is the way of communicating that we do with our inner self. It takes place inside our heads, for instance solving any complex problem…
Cornell Note-Taking System – Meaning and how to master it
Cornell note-taking system is a method of writing organized and clear notes so that they prove effective while reading later on. The system is very…
What is Micromanagement? Negative Effects of Micromanaging
Micromanagement is considered counterproductive for a leader as micromanaged employees find the working ambiance around them highly discouraging and frustrating. As per a recent study, high-demanding…
Aristotle’s Model of Communication: Definition and Examples
Aristotle’s Model of Communication is a unique communication tool proposed before 300 b.c by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. It is a linear model that puts…
Organizational Life Cycle – Definition, Stages, Importance
Definition: Organizational life cycle, as the name suggests, is the life cycle of an organization from the point of its creation or onset to the point…
What is Self Image and How do we improve it?
Self Image is an assessment that an individual has about himself. It includes personal worth and an overview of his abilities, identity, qualities, traits, and…
Agile Leadership – Definition, Principles and Characteristics
Agile leadership is a type of leadership style in which leaders understand that one specific way of leading will not fit well with all situations…
Ladder of Abstraction: Definition, Usage and Examples
Ladder of abstraction describes how we human beings reason things in which actual words or patterns come at the base level while abstract words or…
Organizational change – Definition, Meaning and Types
Organizational change is a gradual modification of an organization from the existing state to the intended state. The change may be in different elements of…
Accountability vs Responsibility – Main Differences
Both the terms Accountability and Responsibility are used interchangeably but have quite a different meaning. It is very crucial that one should understand that both…
Laissez-Faire Leadership – Characteristics, Advantages & Example
A leader is always at the helm of affairs in any organization. He is in charge of spearheading an organization’s efforts in the direction of…