Carl Ransom Rogers was an American who became a very well-known name in the field of psychology. He was born to Julia and Walter Rogers…
Marketing Category
The Marketing category has detailed articles, concepts and How-tos to help students and professionals learn the concepts and applications.
Registered Trademark Symbol | Meaning, Usage and how to write?
The registered trademark symbol or ® acknowledges that the preceding symbol or word is a trademark legally registered with the office of the national trademark….
Secondary Research – Meaning, Objectives, Process, Pros and Cons
Research is the process of collecting data, analyzing them, and arriving at results or conclusions. A proper research model is designed to conduct studies in…
What is Customer Engagement? Definition, Importance, Strategies & Metrics
Customer engagement is an emotional connection that a customer feels for a brand because of the ongoing interaction between both. It involves all the interactions…
5 M’s of Advertising (Definition and Elements)
What are the 5 M’s of Advertising? 5 m’s of advertising stand for Mission, Money, Message, Media, and Measurement. These five m’s serve different purposes…
Idea Generation – Definition, Sources, Techniques and Examples
Idea generation is developing new ideas and converting them into tangible activities. It entails brainstorming as many ideas as possible, determining how to employ them,…
What is a Communication Plan? Definition and Importance
Definition: A communication plan helps a company plan how to reach its audience. Communications planning helps firms provide a clear, measurable message. Modern marketing methods…
Promotional Pricing: Definition, Types, Importance and Advantages
What is Promotional Pricing? Promotional pricing is defined as a pricing strategy intended to attract interest and increase sales in the short term. Getting maximum…
Greenwashing – Definition, Examples and Tips to avoid
Greenwashing is a misleading act of an individual, organizations, industries, governments, etc. who promote their goods and services as eco-friendly through marketing, packaging, mislabelling, or…
Retail Manager – Responsibilities and Career In Retail
A retail management job will provide you with the opportunities to make your store work and make you in charge of it. you will be…
Green Retailing – Concept, Advantages and Ideas
Green retailing is a modern concept of retailing in which a retail business is managed by taking the benefits of eco-friendly processes. This concept is…
Difference Between Outbound logistics and Inbound Logistics
Logistic activities are an integral part of every manufacturing organization. These activities are part of the day-to-day activities of the organization. Logistic activities can be…
Marketing Tools
Marketing tools are crucial in alleviating, automating, empowering, and optimizing the marketing endeavors of a company. They also play an effective role in product development…
What is Audience Profile? Definition & Steps to Create It
An Audience profile is a target audience profile with a list of all the important characteristics of the targeted audience members who show some potential…
Mass Merchandiser Definition, Concept, Advantages
Definition: Mass merchandiser is a particular retailer or specific retail store, which is known to sell a large number of goods belonging to different categories…
Buyer Readiness State – Different Stages Of Buyer Readiness
What is the Buyer Readiness State? Buyer readiness is a particular state which denotes the willingness or the preparedness of any individual customer for buying…
What are Marketing Campaigns? Definition, Types, Examples & Best Campaigns in 2025
Marketing campaigns are like thrilling roadmaps that guide a brand toward its goals! These strategic moves are intended to achieve certain goals within a set…
What are Public Goods? Characteristics and Aspects
Technology creates all sorts of externalities as an outcome of the production process. Some of these might be positive, while some will be negative externalities….
Primary Research – Meaning, Process and Advantages
Primary research is a research process where data is collected directly from your target audience with questionnaires and other tools. Primary research does not depend…
Qualitative Data Analysis – Importance & Types
Data is the most crucial part of any study. The data can be intrinsic or extrinsic. It depends on the subject and the mode of…
Focus Group Interviews | Purpose, Preparation, and Sample Interviews
Quality research is performed when an organization or institution wishes to test any concept, idea, or product. This qualitative research can be conducted using several…
Agenda Setting Theory Explained (with Applications)
Agenda setting refers to the mainstream media’s influence on the telecasted events as news in the area where it operates. As soon as something massive…
Top 15 Essential Sales Manager Skills you Should Know
A Sales manager should possess several Sales Manager Skills that are going to help them, the employees, and the company. Most of the work in…
What is Sales Margin? and How to Calculate it
Understanding your sales margin is like having a compass in the wilderness of business. It guides you, pointing out profitable paths and warning you about…
10 Ways to Build Great Customer Relationships Explained
Customers are the life-blood of any sort of business model, and that is why paying heed upon customer relationships is an inevitable and often highly…
What is Customer Acquisition? Definition, Steps, Channels, Calculation & Strategies
Customer acquisition is the practice used to bring in new customers by identifying, targeting, and converting prospective customers. Successful customer acquisition refers to generating leads,…
What are Ethical Considerations in Research?
Ethical consideration is a collection of principles and values that should be followed while doing human affairs. The ethical considerations make sure that no-one acts…
Customer Loyalty: Definition, Importance, Elements & Stages
Customer Loyalty is a measure of how faithful is the customer to the brand or the possibility of a customer to opt for repeat purchases…
Desk Research: Definition, Importance and Advantages
Research is an integral part of the marketing of every business. The success of a business depends on the acceptability of the product. Research is…
Brainstorming: Definition, Importance, Types and Tips
Brainstorming revolves around the minds behind design and ideation, as it is the gateway to great ideas. In the simplest form, brainstorming can be understood…
What is Consumer Behavior? Definition, Example, Types & Factors
Consumer behavior is the behavioral patterns, decision processes, and actions that a consumer follows while making a purchase decision for a product or service for…
Advocacy Groups: Definition, Explanation and History
Advocacy groups are defined as groups that use a special form of advocacy to influence or change public opinion, ultimately impacting the policy. Explanation Advocacy…
What are Research Limitations and Tips to Organize Them
Limitations are constraints or restrictions. Therefore, research limitations are constraints or restrictions in research which have been put on the method of your study and…
What is Distributive Bargaining? Importance, Advantages & Example
Distributive bargaining can be defined as a scenario where two or more parties try to divide a fixed resource. The process of distributive bargaining usually…
Customer Profiling Definition and Benefits (with Steps Explained)
Customers are an essential part of every business. Whether your business will be a success or failure will depend on your customers. Therefore, a company…
What is Betari Box Model and How to Break the Cycle of Conflict?
Definition: The Betari Box is a model used to analyze attitudes and behaviors contributing to or resulting from conflict. It states that our attitudes can…
What is a Value Proposition? And How to Write it (with 15 Examples)
An extraordinary value proposition is a statement that portrays what your business/brand/ company brings to the table for the potential buyers/users. Businesses use value proposition…
What is Brainwriting and How to Use it (with Steps)?
If traditional brainstorming sessions are not being able to provide you the befitting solutions for any problem or issue, then the brainwriting technique is a…
What is a Research Statement and How to Write it
A summary of all the research achievements along with a proposal for future research is called a research statement. Research statement includes both findings as…
What is Research Bias? And How to Minimize it
Bias is a deviation from the truth when collecting data, analyzing the data, interpreting and publishing the data which can you lead to false conclusions….