Etiquette is defined as formal rules and manners that are considered sacred and acceptable in society. These have been established by convention for a very long time and are followed diligently in both professional and social settings.
If you are looking for an answer to what is etiquette, then let me tell you that it refers to the guiding principle that dictates what our behavior and manners should be in society. It proves an asset because it tells you in explicit terms about what it considers to be logical and rational. It is the etiquette that draws a different line between people with good manners and people who behave irresponsibly everywhere.
Etiquette and manners go hand in hand. You will also find several etiquette books like etiquette for a lady, etiquette for kids, list of manners and etiquette, the importance of etiquette, and etiquette rules to help you in your task of learning things related to it.
Table of Contents
Types of etiquette
Some of the important types of etiquettes in society are as follows-
1. Social etiquette
One of the most important etiquettes is social etiquette as it informs an individual about the norms and behavior that society considers acceptable
2. Meeting etiquette
This type of etiquette informs individuals about the styles one should give preference to while attending meetings, seminars, and events.
3. Wedding etiquette
Yes, there are wedding etiquettes in place that inform individuals that one should not be late, should behave sensibly, and do not drink too much at weddings.
4. Corporate etiquette
This type of etiquette informs individuals about how an individual should behave at his workplace and maintain dignity.
5. Bathroom etiquette
This type of etiquette refers to the rules that an individual should follow if he is using public or office toilets.
6. Business etiquette
This type of etiquette acts as a guiding force to the professionals and helps them in conducting business deals in an ethical and effective manner
5. Eating etiquette
This type of etiquette informs individuals about the rules and regulations regarding their eating habits.
Do not speak when the mouth is full, thank the person serving your food, do not leave the table until everyone has finished eating, etc. are some important eating etiquettes
6. Telephone etiquette
This type of etiquette informs individuals about how they should behave on the telephone. How to interact with others, not putting someone on hold for a long time, greeting the other person, and keeping your tone and pitch at the perfect level are basic telephone etiquettes one should always follow
Basic rules of social etiquette
Some basic rules of etiquettes that are being followed for a very long time and are considered top-notch even today are mentioned below-
1. Say thank you
A simple thank you goes a long way in showing your appreciation for a kind deed. It is merely good manners to thank people who have come to your aid even if it is a small thing.
2. Offer compliments
Be generous with your words of appreciation and offer compliments and praise when required. If you are sincere in your efforts and offer genuine admiration, it will create a rapport that will keep you in good stead in the days to come.
3. Self-control
Self-control is one of the most basic etiquettes when you are sitting in a company. Keep a check on your behavior, voice, and manners if you are looking for basic rules of social etiquette.
Do not be too loud, and do not boast about the things you have or your accomplishments as arrogance is considered an undesirable trait. The deeds speak for themselves, and there is no need to blow your trumpet.
People observe everything, and it is imperative that your behavior, voice, and even clothing reflect your charm and elegance to the boot.
4. Active listening
Do not put your full onus on speaking; instead, listen actively if you are looking for basic rules of social etiquettes. Be genuine in your efforts as it is the best way to show respect.
Do not interrupt anyone while speaking, as it is considered bad manners. When you are listening, you come to know about many things that can prove helpful later on.
5. Speak with caution
Pay attention to your words as they are considered a strong tool in building and destroying relationships. Speak with kindness as well as due caution if you are looking for basic rules of social etiquette.
Speak kindly and keep your body language open. Do not complain or criticize or participate in gossip as it is disrespectful.
6. Be punctual
One of the most desired traits in a human being is his habit of being on time. Arriving too early is not good etiquette, nor is it arriving late. Be punctual at all occasions at all costs if you are looking for basic rules of social etiquette.
7. Make eye contact
Maintain eye contact during conversations if you are looking for basic rules of social etiquette. It establishes a level of trust and understanding. Moreover, it is a sign of confidence and shows you in good stead and positive light.
People who are looking at numerous other things during a conversation are viewed as unsure, untrustworthy, and shifty who can stab you in the back at any given time. They fail to earn the trust of the person they are speaking to.
8. Stand during the introduction
During an introduction, it is important to stand and offer a handshake or greetings if you are looking for basic rules of social etiquette.
Even if you are in the middle of something, for instance, having dinner or sitting with close friends, it becomes important to stand as a form of acknowledgment during the introduction
9. Offer your seat
If you are traveling in public transport and you see an older adult or someone pregnant or in poor health, it is common courtesy to offer your seat to that person.
10. Be on time
Be on time for get-together, events, dates, etc. if you are looking for basic rules of social etiquette. Being late shows a lack of respect and understanding that seems very rude
11. Hold doors
If you see someone struggling with the door it is basic etiquette to help him/her especially if you are looking for basic rules of social etiquette
12. Take a gift
If you are invited to a party, or you are visiting someone, it is basic etiquette to take a gift or something with you.
13. Pay your share
If you are going out in a group, pay your share if you are looking for basic rules of social etiquette. Dividing the bill is the common thing nowadays, and if you do not follow this social norm no one is going to invite you again
Basic rules of etiquette in family
Some of the basic rules of etiquette in the family are as follows
- Respect the belongings of each other
- Use polite language at all times
- Make use of words like thank you, please, sorry liberally.
- Respect everyone’s personal space
- Pick up your things. Do not wait for others to do so
- Be on time for meals especially if everyone is eating at the same table
- Do not talk with your mouth full
- Do not interrupt someone when he is speaking
- Put the onus on listening
- Do not yell at each other
- Do not call names in front of children as they will easily pick up the bad language
- Be cautious of comments and images on social media platforms primarily related to your children
Business etiquette rules
Professional life has its own set of rules and regulations disguised as basic business etiquettes. Some are very common that we come across in our everyday life, whereas some are a bit difficult to remember.
Just go through some of them so that it can help you in your future endeavors
1. Greetings matter
Greeting someone is basic courtesy and an integral part of both social and business etiquettes. Be polite and kind as it establishes a rapport. Simple words like “How are you,” and even a nod or warm smile is enough to show that you care.
The objective is to be pleasant and considerate. If the other person is in a hurry, do not strike and force a conversation.
2. Names are important
Basic etiquettes demand that we introduce ourselves to others. During the introduction, include your last name with the first name. Some people have a habit of saying either their first or last name, but it is against the rules of etiquette.
Pay attention to the name of the other person as well. Remember his name and pronounce it correctly because no one likes to be called carelessly. If there is any confusion, ask him about the right form of pronunciation.
3. Clothes are important
One of the most important business etiquettes is to follow the dress code and dress appropriately at all occasions. You cannot go to a meeting wearing informal clothes as it will set a bad precedent.
It is a fact that the first thing a person notices is your attire, and a casual dress in a formal setting will set you apart, and it will ultimately look discourteous.
4. Pay attention to your body language
Business etiquettes demand that you pay special attention to your body language. Standing straight in the presence of colleagues, peers, and superiors, especially during meetings and events, is a must.
Offer a firm handshake whenever you meet someone, smile to show your appreciation in meeting others, and make eye contact while talking.
5. Show your involvement
It is important to show that you are paying attention during a conversation if you are looking for important business etiquette tips. Nod and smile at important junctions. Show that you are actively listening and are interested in the conversation.
Do not interrupt anyone while speaking. Let him finish and then offer your input. It will look polite and show that you value their thoughts.
6. Send handwritten notes
Business etiquettes demand that you send handwritten notes to show your appreciation. In regular matters, it is fine to send emails, but in special conditions, it is best to opt for customized notes
7. Be polite
If you are looking for important business etiquette tips, then being polite and courteous tops the list any day.
Communication is an important tool in professional life, and you must be polite during all the forms of communication be it face-to-face, on Skype, phone, etc. as your tone of voice, expressions, words, and even nuances are enough to show what you are feeling
8. Be punctual
It is fashionable to be late in social settings but bad business etiquettes in a professional atmosphere. Be punctual whenever you are meeting a deadline in a project or a client for a meeting or attending an event if you are looking for important business etiquette tips.
Remember, when you are late, you are showing disrespect to the other involved parties, and eventually, it could harm your professional reputation. In case you are late, it is imperative to call others and inform them beforehand of your dilemma.
9. Keep your cubicle neat
Your workstation or cubicle or work desk is like your private home away from home. It is important to keep it organized and clean if you are looking for important business etiquette tips.
De-clutter and throw away useless things so that it does not look untidy. Business etiquettes and basic manners demand that you maintain a proper system in place and discard trash in the can at regular intervals
10. Be mindful of others
Remember everything is not just about you as other people around you matters.
Be mindful of others if you are looking for important business etiquette tips. Several people are working around you with different habits, and it becomes imperative that you respect them by not being too loud or disturbing them unnecessarily.
Benefits of using the correct etiquette
Some of the benefits of using the correct etiquette are as follows-
- It is proper etiquette that helps to create the first impression on others. The first few seconds when you are waiting to be introduced, and your smile is cordial and warm, and later when your handshake is firm are basic etiquette and manners that can have a positive impact on others
- Following proper business etiquettes in your professional life will enhance your status at the workplace. People will consider you more capable, intelligent, and professional than the others
- The benefit of etiquette is that it can boost self-confidence and self-esteem
- Etiquette helps in making people around you comfortable. This proves beneficial as it helps in creating strong relationships and friendship
- It is the etiquette that urges you to be kind to others. This boosts your satisfaction level as well as happiness
- People who are well mannered and follow proper etiquette rules often stand out even in the crowd. Their solid foundation provides more opportunities for growth compared to people who are lagging in social etiquettes
- Using proper etiquette ensures a clear and better level of communication between people as it breaks unnecessary barriers that are standing in the way of open communication
- Following proper rules of social etiquette in any given situation provides a sense of personal security
- Basic etiquettes give us a fair idea about how a culture functions. If you are traveling to new places, it will prove beneficial as basic rules are generally the same in almost all the places
- Etiquettes help the children to learn about rules and regulations from an early age. This proves beneficial when they go to school, college and even when they enter the professional world
- Better etiquettes result in positive attention from others
The term etiquette is such a small word but encompasses a whole lot of roles and responsibilities that have become a guiding force in society. It is undoubtedly clear that the term means following a moral code of conduct, showing respect to others, giving personal space, putting them at ease with your presence, showing kindness, being courteous, and dealing with ethics and honor in every situation.
Practice etiquette so that it becomes ingrained, and you can automatically display all the good behavior that society demands from its occupants.
Have you considered the impact of proper etiquette in today’s society?
According to a 2022 study by the Protocol School of New York, nearly 85% of job success relates to soft skills, such as etiquette, rather than technical abilities. This highlights the importance of mastering social and business etiquettes to improve professional interactions and opportunities. The report emphasizes that a lack of proper etiquette can lead to misunderstandings and affect collaborations, impacting both individual careers and organizational harmony.
For those seeking to refine their etiquette skills, resources such as the book “Modern Manners: Tools to Take You to the Top” by Dorothea Johnson and Liv Tyler are invaluable. This guide, available on platforms like Amazon, offers practical advice on navigating various social and professional situations with grace. Additionally, online platforms like LinkedIn Learning provide courses that focus on business etiquette and interpersonal communication, allowing individuals to enhance their professional image from the comfort of their own homes.
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Reference clothing………..
You should add …if you wear a cap or hat, it should be removed when entering a home
or restaurant.
Thanks for your lessons of etiquette.
I have enjoyed reading
This is quite impressive. I have enjoyed reading it. There is much to learn from it.
Excellent article-very helpful for personal and professional development.
Wow. That is interesting some of these I practice. Most importantly is to learn all there is for etiquette. Maybe we can teach this in public schools. So many simple ways to engage others by showing appreciation.
Ayriss Aaliyah