Patience is a desirable quality in this fast-paced world that is full of stress and instant gratification. We want things to happen immediately and when things don’t go as per our convenience we lose the thread to our sanity and become impatience and disgruntled.
Remember impatience increases stress and is harmful to our physical, mental and emotional well-being whereas patience teaches us perseverance and is an important virtue to have in life.
If you are seriously interested in becoming patient you need to cultivate and practice this skill on a daily basis even in adverse conditions. It will help you in embracing life to the full with love, joy, peace, and harmony.
Table of Contents
1) Start small and practice
Patience is a virtue that helps you in recognizing your inner strength so that you can reach your goals with a positive and calm mindset. It is a skill and like any other, you can boost it with the help of simple ideas. Make yourself wait for things you desire instantly.
Yes, it will be difficult in the beginning but will help you to boost patience levels considerably. Remember you cannot become perfect in one day hence start with small things and gradually move towards better and bigger things.
Practicing will help you in increasing your inner reserve to resist temptations and can prove an important way to be patient.
2) Be mindful
We all lead a hectic and busy life that urges us to complete one work before the other as all seem urgent. Take a few minutes to evaluate and prioritize your work. It is important to know which one is more important than the other and the deadlines involved in completing them.
There are few tasks that are unimportant and you can either let it go or delegate them to a junior. Do so because you cannot do everything yourself.
Multitasking often causes stress and frustration especially when you jump from one task to another without completing any of them to your satisfaction.
Be mindful if you are looking for ways to be patient. Slow down, process and focus on one task at a time to achieve your goals in relative peace.
3) Deep breath and counting
Relax and remove negative thoughts and impatient feelings by taking slow and deep breaths. Go for a walk or sit in a park for a few minutes to regain your calm and clear your head of unimportant and stressful matters.
Some personal time can help you to decompress and regain your focus. Recognize the moment when you start losing your patience. Take a slow breath in and out and then repeat it again.
Focus only on the breathing to regain your focus as the negative and frustrating thoughts will start disappearing immediately. Counting is actually considered beneficial when you become angry and your impulse is to lose your patience and shout at others.
Start slowly from one to ten or more if the situation demands. Both deep breaths and counting are considered the best ways to be patient.
4) Step back from emotional highs
You need absolute control over your mind and body if you are looking for ways to be patient. There are days when emotions run rampant and try to grasp you in its embrace.
As soon as you realize that you are losing your cool and are gripped in emotional turbulence step back. Remember patience is a positive trait that can help you in controlling your behavior and bringing back emotional balance in life.
Breathe deeply and ask yourself whether you will allow it to control you. A few minutes contemplating in the right direction will bring you back in the game.
Remember no one can push you down until and unless you allow it to do so hence pull from your inner reserve and find your strength.
5) Recognize your triggers
One does not lose patience without due cause. It is imperative to recognize the triggers that force you to do so if you are looking for ways to be patient.
Pay close attention to the situations or action and even words that act as a trigger. Some of them are more frequent than others start removing them from your life to cultivate the art of patience.
If you are having problems at the onset and are unable to maintain your focus start writing about them in a journal. Keep a record to know the number of times you have been struggling to maintain a balanced view.
It is important to control your impulses to develop the art of being patient.
6) Visualization
Active visualization is a trick that must be encouraged if you are looking for ways to be patient. The best time is before facing a critical situation.
Visualize any difficult scenario and try to look for ways where you can handle it in a calm manner.
Sit in a quiet place and contemplate about the various routes you can take to maintain your patience levels. Whenever you are faced with frustrating situations try thinking about the alternatives which you have practiced.
Remember adverse situations are opportunities where you can test yourself. It just needs lots of practice and determination.
7) It takes time
Patience cannot be developed in a single day as it will take time and effort to do so. Once you start accepting the fact that it is an admirable quality and you need to sharpen it for your own benefit your road will become easier.
Accept that what you desire is a skill and you will keep practicing no matter what. People who start early in life have an advantage over others as they get more time to acquire it. Be tolerant and try various methods until you find the best one.
If you are looking for ways to be patient then remember to keep trying repeatedly if you want to succeed.
8) Healthy ways to relieve stress
Keep on finding healthy ways to remove daily stress and frustration in life otherwise, it will get accumulated and will test your level of patience to a greater degree. Bottling things is harmful as it has a direct impact on the mental and emotional health of a person.
Start meditation on a regular basis to maintain your focus. Opt for exercise to remove excess energy from the body. You can also choose walks, jogging or running as per your convenience.
Some people find laughter whereas others find reading or listening to music as a viable stress-busters. It is important to find your personal comfort zone if you are looking for ways to be patient.
9) Appreciate and accept life
Life is for a living and that too with joy, peace, and happiness. It is not difficult to find your balance if you actively start looking at life and cherishing precious moments.
Do not take things for granted instead appreciate them because each has added value to your life. Accept that adverse situations are an integral part and you can easily overcome them with patience and love and see the difference it creates.
When you choose the positive path you boost your inner strength and it helps you in evolving and accepting things in a better way.
10) Ask for help
Are circumstances not in your favor and are trying to drag you down? Are you unable to cope with daily stress and are looking for ways to be patient?
Are you gripped by powerful negative emotions like impatience, stress, depression and feeling irritable at everyone and everything? Sometimes the conditions become so overburdened that we lose our focus and stop finding the patience from our inner reserves.
Ask for help from someone you trust. He will act as a mentor and will help you in finding back your rhythm so that you can rein in negative emotions and bring back patience and understanding in the forefront.
Here is a video by Marketing91 on Patience.
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