Computers became popular when microcomputers entered the market in 1977. After that, there was no looking back. With the introduction of microcomputers, personal computers became popular and people started using computers in every field whether it is banking, health, education, entertainment or business and at present time when everything is going online, it is impossible to think about anything where computers are not involved. Computers have become an important part of human life.
even mobile phones in the present time are smartphones and are frequently referred to as mini computers. Therefore, the importance of computers has increased in every part of human life. in this article, you will learn about the importance of computers in different fields. Let us first start with the importance of computer in education.
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Importance of computer in education
Education is an important part of human life and it plays the most important role in shaping the life of human beings and thus shaping the future of a nation and at present computers play an important role in the way education sector works.
Let us learn about the importance of computer in education.
1. Computers empower students with information:
The main purpose of education is to learn and to learn in detail about things. Computers provide access to the internet and the internet has the potential to provide information about anything and everything.
If a person has a computer, access to the internet, a will to learn, he can learn anything without going to school and without having a tutor. Gone are the days when spent their days in the library to read long hours to answer something. Now, they can simply enter a keyword in Google search and get the answer within milliseconds.
2. Computers took education out of the four walls of the classroom:
Traditionally, In the education system, students were taught in the classroom by a teacher. However, with the help of computer students don’t only learn in the classroom but they can learn and take class wherever they want. There are many institutes and universities which provide courses online that students can take with attending classes in a physical college or university.
The students are provided with videos, e-notes, e-books to study and can take an exam to evaluate their performance. There are some websites like edx and coursera, which provide certificate too if a student complete course successfully. No matter, if a person is studying, working or retired. If they have a computer and an internet connection they can learn whatever they want.
3. Computers help in enhancing the presentation of teachers:
A good teacher is one who can teach a concept to his students easily and in an interesting manner. Computers can help teachers to prepare their study material in an effective way which helps the concept easy for students to understand. For example, to teach the concept of gravity a teacher can prepare a presentation by adding animation videos, pictures, etc.
In this way, they can teach important concepts to students in a fun way and students not only enjoy the class but also learn the concept without many efforts. Because a human brain remembers things better which it sees than the things that it listens.
4. Computers help teachers to prepare their lectures:
Next, the importance of computer in education is that it teaches teachers. Learning never stops. A person learns as long as he lives and especially for a teacher, it is very important to update his knowledge and to learn about the new concepts in order to teach students effectively.
With the help of computers, they can learn to deep about the subject, prepare notes and assignments, and can prepare presentations to teach students in the classroom.
5. Computers play an important role in research:
With the introduction of computers, research has become much easier than it was in the past. For example, in the past, if a person were working on a research topic, he has no idea whether the research has been done already or not. If yes then they have to wait months to get connected with the researcher. But in the present times, with the help of computer people can research the topic and collect information about it and also can read about the researches done by other researchers.
They can use that knowledge in enhancing the results of their own research. In addition to this, research can install simulators to research about something without taking the risk of experiments. on the basis of the simulators’ results, they can decide whether they want to carry on with their research or not. Moreover, computers help researchers to document their research results effectively and in less time.
6. Computers help people to enhance their job skills:
In the present time, technology is changing at a fast pace. Therefore, people are required to update their skills continuously in order to keep their job and to stay relevant in the market. However, having a full-time job makes it difficult for them to go back to college or to join a full-time course. In such situations, computers help them to learn new job skills along with their job.
There are several courses that provide courses designed as per the needs of modern times and are schedule by keeping the work time of people in mind. people can take classes wherever, whenever they want. for example, they can watch lecture videos while traveling to work.
They can solve assignments during the lunch break. In addition to this, there are many websites online whose courses have importance equals to a college’s full-time degree.
7. Helps in improving the skills of students:
Every student has a different learning style and speed. This problem is very difficult for teachers to deal with in the traditional system of education because they are required to teach many students of different learning capacities. However, using computers students can learn at their own pace. For example, recently an educational app named BYJU’s is launched in India.
This app is designed to teach Science and Mathematics to school students. Students are required to select their class and board they are studying in and they will be given course study material along with a video explaining the concept.
Every month the users of this app are increasing at a quite fast rate. Students not only learn the new concept but also can take exercises and assignments to check their knowledge. Similarly, there are several other apps and websites which provide study material both for school and college level and for professional skills.
8. The efficiency of both teachers and students increase:
Prior to the introduction of computers in the education field. Teachers and students were required to do everything manually. Teachers used to make assignments by writing on paper which consumed most of the time.
Teachers were required to draw diagrams on board and write important things on board so that students can note those things down. a lot of precious time of school was being wasted in this process. But with the help of computers teachers can teach concepts with the help of presentations and they are not required to draw diagrams on board.
They can show pictures of phenomena to students using computers and can also help their students to understand the concept in an effective way with the help of course videos. Students can record lectures in order to do revision later they are not required to make lengthy notes.
9. Easy to communicate and collaborate with people all around the world:
Another importance of computer in the education field is that it provides a platform for students, researchers, and teachers to collaborate and communicate with people all around the world.
They can share ideas and learn skills from one another and can also participate in a common activity together to innovate something or to learn new concepts. This not only improves their learnings but also provide them with better opportunities.
10. Helps in the management of educational institutes:
Computers not only helpful in teaching and studying, but it plays an important role in managing and handling an educational institute. For example, in one school there are thousands of students who study.
It is quite a tough task for schools to keep the record of all the students without the help of computers but with the help of computers, all the details about the course can be obtained just by entering the name of students. There are many types of software that help schools to keep records of students’ information.
Importance of Computer in business
The way business works have changed a lot with the introduction of computers. No matter whether a business is small or large their computers are used to enhance the efficiency of
a business. in this section, you will learn about the importance of computers in business.
1. Easy to handle finances:
The first importance of computers in business is managing finances. In business, several transactions take place in a day. Businessman buys from various suppliers and sells products in order to make products. To do this, they make the entry of products that they buy on the computer and with the help of computers assign selling prices to the goods.
Accounting software helps them to keep the record of things they sold in a day and the profit made selling those things. With this, they can keep track of the finance of their business and on the basis of this knowledge they make important decisions related to their business. There are apps for accounting and payables, expense tracking, budgeting, etc. which helps a businessman to handle their finances effectively.
2. Effective advertising:
Computers help in the effective advertising of business, which in turn help business to attract more and more customers. for example, using computers attractive pamphlets, brochures, hoardings, banners, billboards can be designed to grab the attention of people and to make them curious to check your products. Because of this reason the advertising industry is one of the largest and profit-making industries nowadays.
Businesses advertise their business with the help of advertising video clips which can not be created without computers. Using computers and internet business can be promoted on online platforms to a much large audience.
3. Online business:
Another importance of computers in business is that using computers one can run their business online. You can not only take your business online but can also run a business to provide online services. With the introduction of computers, several new businesses were introduced which are making huge revenues for the businessmen.
The kind of businesses that are at present being run by businessmen was not be thought of a few decades ago. For example, in the present times, people have become a millionaire by writing blogs and making videos on their YouTube channels. These business ideas could not be thought of before the introduction of computers in business. People, nowadays, run huge businesses just using one computer.
Take the example of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg developed this website in his college days to stay connected with his friends and at present Facebook is one of the largest profit-making company. In addition to this, businessmen who run physical stores have also taken their business online. They sell their products on their online apps and websites to a much larger audience.
This helps them not only to attract local people but also to global people. Nowadays, you can find an online store for every business.
4. Connecting with suppliers and customers:
Connectivity is most important for the success of a business. with the help of computers, businesses can communicate with suppliers. In addition to this, nowadays, update their customers about the new arrival products online using WhatsApp and other communication apps.
They send them designs, take orders from them, and also update them about the status of their order.
5. Research about the market:
Another importance of computers in business is that you can research the market you are interested to invest in online in order to take an effective decision. in the present competitive world, it is very important to analyze the market condition before investing in it.
There are several companies like A.C. Nielsen which research to analyze the market condition for the companies to learn about how their products are performing in the market.
6. Inventory Management:
Inventory management is one of the most important parts of a business. Effective management of inventory ensures the success of the business. Businesses use computers for the effective management of inventory.
They are not required to go to the inventory store again and again just to check the availability of a product in the store, this can be checked by making a simple search on the computer. For example, a manager can place an order for the goods which are about to be run short.
7. Data Management:
Data is a new fuel. You must have heard about this new phrase about data. The success of all online businesses relies on data and without the help of computers data management is not possible. Data is used to plan future business strategies, advertisements for businesses.
The data can be used by everyone working in the company, irrespective of their geographical location and they use this data to make important decisions about the company and to enhance the performance of the company.
8. Management information system:
Another importance of computers in business is because of the management information system. Management information systems (MIS) are used to keep track of sales made by a company, productivity, expenses, and profitability.
With the help of this system, the manager can learn about the areas which are not working perfectly and can take action to improve those areas. Management information system helps companies in strategic planning for the future.
9. Human resource management:
Humans are one of the most important resources of an organization and each organization wants to make sure that they are using this resource like all other resources to an optimum level. This is possible to handle in small organizations but in large organization management of the human resource is impossible without the help of computers.
Computers are used to store information about human resources like human resources planning, recruitment and placement, wage and salary planning, Personal record keeping, and their training and development, etc. all these words can’t be performed without the help of computers and thus increases the importance of computers in business.
10. Product development:
Product is the most important for the organization. The success of your business can be decided by the quality of your product and the way you present your product. The computer plays an important role in the whole process of development of the product. computers are used to design the packaging of the product and the components of the product.
Importance of computer in health
Computers are frequently used in hospitals because of their speed of processing information and because of the inbuilt intelligence of computers. In a large hospital, the record of patients are needed to be recorded and day to day medical works and financial works are performed using computers.
Nowadays, computers have become an integral part of hospitals that you will see different types of computers being used for different medical purposes. In this section of the article, you will learn about the importance of computers in medical care and what types of computers are used in health care.
1. Ease of sharing medical information for quick treatment:
One of the biggest importance of computers is in the fast sharing of medical information of patients so that quick treatment can be provided. The reports of medical tests can be sent to any part of the world no matter how far it is using email. doctors can read reports and can share the opinion of the doctor and the treatment of the patient can be started without delay.
For example, doctors in India can take the opinion of a doctor living in America with the help of computers and the internet quickly, which was not possible before the introduction of computers in medical care. In the past, before the introduction of computers in health care patients used to die before doctors even get to any conclusion.
This helped in reducing the mortality rate and more and more people are receiving health care services fast because of the computers.
2. Medication and treatment:
Another benefit of using computers in the health care sector is that this helps in keeping the record of a medication history of patients. This information can be obtained immediately whenever required in order to provide treatment of the patient.
This also reduces the chances of mistakes as mistakes in the health care sector can prove to be dangerous as the life of patients relies on it. one wrong prescription of medication can take the life of a person. Computers also help in increasing the efficiency of the staff. For example, nurses enter the record of the patient in computers rather than updating it on whiteboards and paper charts.
These records are sorted and easily accessible and understandable to all the other members of the staff. Record of medication helps in keeping the track of medication information of a patient and like before patients are not required to keep heavy medical files and test reports for future reference. They can rely on doctors completely.
3. Easy Monitoring of patients’ health:
The most important role computers play in the medical care sector is to monitor the health of patients all the time. The patient is never left unattended and provided treatment whenever required with delay. Because of the introduction of computers, the health of the patients can be monitored with the help of machine monitoring instead of having a 24-hour nurse to keep a check on the health of the patient.
With the help of computers heart rate, blood pressure, etc. of the patient can be monitored and the signal is sent to staff when something goes wrong. In the present times, because of the introduction of artificial intelligence in computers, computers provide assistant to doctors to carry out the medical procedure and make not only a diagnosis as well as treatment procedure easy and comfortable for both doctors and patients.
In addition to this, computers also reduce the work of staff as it records the information along with monitoring the patient, which otherwise is the job of staff members to monitor and record the data.
4. Helpful in research:
Health care is a field which requires constant research to learn about the new disease and their diagnosis. In the past, without the presence of knowledge and advanced technology many people died because of a small disease that is now easily treatable.
With the help of computers, simulation can be created to test various medications. Causes and their cures can be found using simulators which increases the success rate of new medication and reduce the chances of risk.
5. Inventory:
Keeping inventory up-to-date is crucial in the medical sector as there are many medicines that can get expired and become not useful for use if they get expired. In addition to this, there are many other things and tools which are essential for the treatment of the patient.
For example, if the inventory is not kept up-to-date and orders for tools and medicines are not placed on time then the treatment process of patients can be slowed down which is very risky for the health of the patients. Using computer software inventory can be managed and these types of software send a warning message when the inventory of a particular product goes below a particular level.
In this way, orders for replenishment can be made without any delay. This helps in improving the efficiency of not only staff but also doctors and helps in providing quick recovery to patients.
6. Communication with doctor and patient:
With the help of computers and the internet, communication between doctors and patients has become easy. Patients are not required regularly to visit doctors. They can consult with doctors over mobile communication apps.
They can tell if a new symptom appears and doctors can tell what they required to do immediately. Because of the reduced gap of communication between doctor and patient the diagnosis and treatment of patients become quite effective and fast.
7. Medical Imaging:
The invention of medical imaging has revolutionized the medical industry. With the help of medical imaging, there are many resources whose cure has been found and which helped in saving the life of a million people.
Procedures like ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 3D imaging are all possible because of computers only. The images obtained from these procedures help in curing the diseases whose existence would not be known otherwise.
8. Hospital administration:
In addition to diagnosing and treating patients, there are several other activities that are required to be performed to run a hospital. For example, booking appointments of patents, preparing schedules for doctors and staff, billing of hospital expenses, salaries and wages of employees working in a hospital, order placement of inventory, order placement of new machinery and tool, etc.
A hospital is like a company like running a company, hospitals also require proper management and administration. All these works have become easy with the help of computers.
Importance of computer in entertainment
Entertainment is an integral and important part of human life. Men have always been looking for the means to entertain themselves and the methods of entertainment have changed and increased since the inception of computers and technology.
In this section, you will learn about the means of entertainment and how they have improved with the help of computers.
1. Music:
Music has always been one of the main sources of entertainment of humans and the music industry revolutionized with the introduction of computers. There are so many types of software that musicians use to create music. Using these software and tool the quality of music enhanced and now musicians can develop complex music which was not possible without computers.
In addition to this, in the old times, people used to sing songs and play music if someone wants to listen. Therefore, music was an expensive mean of entertainment and it was possible for everyone to afford it. But, in modern times, with the help of computers music can be recorded and sold in the form of CDs and DVDs, moreover, with the help of internet anyone can upload music file on the internet and anyone can download it and can play it in mobile phone, laptop, and computer.
Computers and technology have made music a source of entertainment for everyone. People are not even required to spend a single penny to enjoy the music and songs of their favorite musicians.
2. Film industry:
Movies have always been one of the main sources of entertainment for people and the film industry has changed a lot because of computers. Prior to computers, no special effect was possible in movies.
Movies were recorded and presented to people without any editing. But using computers each clip of a movie is viewed multiple times and edited to improve its quality.
Computers have helped in the introduction of animated movies which were not possible without computer and technology. The animation is a subcategory of movies and now is one of the major sources of entertainment. in addition to creating, computers are used by people to watch movies and watch movies of different formats. People can not only play movies on computers but they can also play movies on mobile phones to watch them on the go.
3. Video games:
Video games are games which can be played on computer, laptop or on mobile phones. There are millions of video games of different types. everyone can select and play a video game of their own choice.
For example, a person who is fond of farming but have no farms van download and play a farm game (Example Farmville) where he can own his own farm and can grow vegetables and keep domestic animals. Similarly, there are video games for different interests. one can even play basketball without even going to a basketball court.
These games are liked by children and youngsters and have become one of the most revenue-generating industries. Without computers video games can’t be generated and played. Therefore, video games are a true computer-based source of entertainment.
4. Internet entertainment:
The Internet was not possible without computers. The Internet has provided millions of ways for people to entertain themselves. There is a social media platform where people can make friends and communicate with them and can share the happenings of their lives. People make videos and upload them on the internet which people can watch and get entertained.
The Internet has not only provided entertainment to people but has also replaced all other means of entertainment. people can watch TV, listen to music, play video games, socialize with people, shopping, read books, study and even learn music. Name anything that you want and you can find it on the internet.
Importance of computer in banking
The banking sector was one of the first sectors which were influenced by computers. In the past, all the account-related information and data were kept by people on notebooks manually, which was very time consuming and error-prone.
With the introduction of computers, banking has not only become fast but also effective and now more and more people trust banks in keeping their money save than storing money at homes. In this section, you will learn about the importance of computers in the banking industry and how it has changed the way people bank.
1. No need for keeping large records:
With the introduction of computers, all the details related to the bank account of an individual is saved and stored in computers, which is stored in far placed servers. Therefore, the information is not only saved from theft but also safe from natural calamities.
In the past, many banks went bankrupt because their records were destroyed by floods or fires. Now this problem is no more, not only the data is saved far away from the location but also there are means to detect natural calamities and to take preventive actions beforehand.
2. Banking has become online:

With the introduction of computers and the internet, banking has become online banking. People are no longer required to visit a bank to get information about their banks. They can get all the information about the bank account on the mobile banking app.
People can do everything like buy things, pay bills, get a loan, compare interest rates, pay their loan installment, etc. using online banking. People are no longer required to carry currency with them. They can buy things using credit cards, debit cards, and even banking apps.
People can control their accounts using the app on their mobile phone or they can simply log in to their account on the website of banks.
Indeed information provided was so important. Thanks