The multidisciplinary team is defined as a group comprised of members that have complementary skills, qualifications, and experience. Their contribution is towards particular objectives of an organization via teamwork.
Organizations have realized the importance of multidisciplinary teams as they offer different voices that help to solve the problems effectively.
Sometimes these teams may take some time in making decisions and coming to a viable resolution, but they tend to generate useful ideas for the betterment of the company.
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Meaning of multidisciplinary team
A multidisciplinary team is a professional group who makes decisions about a specific subject in a collective manner. These types of teams are common in healthcare and community care.
Multidisciplinary teamwork is also very popular in a business setting as it can easily reach the root of any problem have discussions about it and then face the challenge with the help of several perspectives.
Some of the teams in a company are from the same department, whereas others are multidisciplinary or cross-functional by nature. The teams are used for customer relationships, in committees, and in management systems for better handling.
5 Characteristics of the multidisciplinary team
The characteristics of a multidisciplinary team are as follows-
- A multidisciplinary team consists of members that have individual skills and knowledge that can be used collectively for the welfare of a particular project.
- Its work is based on shared principals
- The members learn from their peers who are equipped with some extraordinary skills of their own
- Collaboration and co-creation are the mantras of a multidisciplinary team
- All the different skill, knowledge and know-how complement each member so that they can give their best in a given situation
11 Advantages of a multidisciplinary team
The advantages of a multidisciplinary team are as follows-
- A multidisciplinary team gives several perspectives for a situation.
- Different backgrounds of the members help them to gain several opinions that can prove beneficial in problem-solving
- It enables all the members to have a thorough discussion as their viewpoints are different
- A multidisciplinary team is self-sufficient as the members have different talents to face every challenge
- Although working is a challenge, but when the members practice active listening, it becomes a communication powerhouse that is equipped to handle the most difficult situations easily.
- A multidisciplinary team is creative by nature. Every member makes a viable contribution with his skill and knowledge, and all this shared knowledge inspires them to go beyond their limitations and find better solutions.
- Team members inspire and motivate everyone in their team so that they become much better
- Diversity is a great tool to create an atmosphere where the members understand and become considerate
- Multidisciplinary teams inspire and encourage innovation
- The goals are clear and specific so that there is no room for confusion
- Encourages cost-effective completion of projects
9 Disadvantages of a multidisciplinary team
The disadvantages of a multidisciplinary team are as follows-
- The multidisciplinary team takes too much time in decision making.
- They have too many opinions, and perspectives, and these are points of conflict between them.
- As different members from different departments make up a multidisciplinary team, the comfort level and understanding between the individuals is very less.
- Poor management as everyone is trying to have the upper hand by demoralizing the efforts of others
- Disagreement and confusion are the norms of the day
- The dominant members do not allow the passive ones to work efficiently
- Gathering, storing and imparting information is delayed because some members are difficult to handle
- Communication becomes a challenge as everyone wants to show himself as the right person for the job.
- The difference between members in a multidisciplinary team causes disagreements and can harm the organization as a whole
Tips for building a successful multidisciplinary team
The success and growth of an organization need to create multidisciplinary teams, and the tips for a successful one are as follows-
#1. Understanding
Better understanding between a team is the actual key for its success. It eases tensions and allows everyone to look at others with a positive mind-frame and appreciate their contribution to team success.
Remember members of a multidisciplinary group have a different working mode as their training, skills, and qualifications are also varied. When the team members develop and encourage understanding, it paves the way for a smooth ride in the workplace.
#2. Learning
Varied skills and knowledge can prove a huge opportunity as it is a learning ground if you are inclined towards honing your skills. This will help the members to broaden their horizons as collaboration will help them to learn new things from others.
Brainstorming sessions, discussions, suggestions, and implementation of new ideas along with viable feedbacks, helps in the learning process and will make the team a better one.
#3. Respect
Members of a multidisciplinary team belong to different background, and this can cause conflict amongst them. There can be personality clashes if no one wants to listen to others. An important trait that needs to be developed in a multidisciplinary team is respected amongst the members.
Teams should recognize the contribution of others and accept that everyone has a role to play. Encouraging respect will help in achieving common goals wholeheartedly.
#4. Avoiding
In a group, some members may have a prominent position because of their responsibilities while others might not occupy a very high status. Egos can act as a detergent in success if members start competing amongst themselves.
Avoid ego clashes and make sure that you are working for the betterment of the team and ultimately tour company to achieve desired goals.
#5. Cutting confusion
Use simple, clear, and precise words and language so that every member has a clear understanding and picture of their roles and responsibilities in the team. This will avoid confusion and boost harmony and peace amongst the members.
#6. Building
Strong relationships are necessary if you are looking for a fruitful collaborative effort within a multidisciplinary team. Make sure there are ample opportunities where the members can bond with each other as it will help in building a positive environment that will felicitate growth and expansion.
#7. Right tools
Right tools help in effective collaboration as it can bring the members of the multidisciplinary team together. Make sure that communication channels are open so that everyone can connect instantly in times of need.
This will keep everyone in the loop and boost team bonding.
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Good learning and understanding from multidisciplinary team topic.