The STP Marketing Model can be utilized for assessing how you communicate the advantages and worth of your product to various segments and enhancing your…
What is a Hard Sell? Definition, Steps, Tactics & Examples
Hard Sell is a type of sales technique that is characterized by high-pressure selling tactics. This approach is often used when the goal is to…
10 Marketing Challenges and How to Overcome Them?
Every business deals with marketing challenges of some kind. A comprehensive marketing plan and careful analysis are needed to identify efficient strategies to connect consumers,…
Retail Industry: Overview, Trends, Activities and Challenges
The retail industry refers to all those businesses that engage in the sale of goods and services to customers. It includes various types of stores…
ATL, BTL and TTL Marketing
In the field of marketing and advertising, there are three main activities: Above the Line (ATL), Below the Line (BTL), and Through the Line (TTL)….
What Is Inventory Management? Benefits, Challenges and Tips
Inventory management is an important part of every business’s operations. It helps expand a business’s capacity for growth and profitability, as well as provides a…
What Is a Marketing Plan? Types and How to Write One
A marketing plan is an important document that outlines strategies, techniques, and goals to help a business remain competitive and flourish. A successful marketing strategy…
What is Advertising Jingle? 9 Best Jingles of All Time
Advertising jingles are short, catchy tunes that are used in commercials to help promote a product or service. They’re often designed to be memorable and…
A Guide to Job Characteristics Model by Hackman and Oldham
Organizations that want to experience greater efficiency and employee happiness can leverage the Job Characteristics Model (JCM) – a structure developed by organizational psychologists that…
Job Involvement: Definition and Importance in HR
Job Involvement is the psychological connection a person has with their job. Employees who have intense job involvement take pride in and are passionately invested…
Consumer Decision Making Process
The consumer decision-making process is a process that the customers follow while making their purchase decisions as per their needs. It refers to a consumer’s…
Job Production: Definition, Examples & Advantages
Job production is an ideal form of custom production used to produce a single customized product or small batches of individualized goods for each customer….
Job Promotions: Definition, Types and Objectives
When an employer believes in the aptitude of one of their employees, they may reward them with a job promotion – often accompanied by improved…
Intrinsic Rewards: Definition, Examples, Types & Advantages
Internal rewards come from within, giving us a unique and exclusive feeling of success. They are emotional fulfilments that arise as we gain accomplishments, advance…
How to Learn from Competitors? 10 Smart Ways to Understand Competition
Staying ahead of the competition is inevitable for any business and one key strategy you can use to do so is – learning from competitors….