What is Gross Salary? Definition: Gross salary is the total amount of money that is given to an employee as salary or wages before any…
What is Foot-in-the-Door Technique? How to Use It Successfully for Persuasion
A respondent who complies with a small initial request is more likely to agree to a larger request! Foot-in-the-door (FITD) is a compliance strategy in…
What are Consumer Goods? Definition, Types & Examples
What Are Consumer Goods? Consumer goods are the products that an average user purchases for self-consumption. They are also popularly known as final goods or…
Brand Logo – Definition, Importance and Examples
What is Brand Logo? Definition: A brand logo is a symbol or image or drawing that represents a company or organization, or person that is…
Brand Name – Definition, Purpose and Types
What is a Brand Name? Definition: A brand name is a business name or domain name that helps the audiences/customers to recognize and differentiate a…
Product Failure – Definition, Reasons and 19 Examples
What is Product Failure? Definition: Product failure is the product’s inability to establish itself well and persist in the market which could be a result…
Service Marketing – Definition, Importance, Characteristics and Strategy For Marketing
Definition: Service marketing is involved in designing, delivering, and doing post-delivery analysis of services for optimizing reach, measuring customer satisfaction, and standing-out from identical services…
Work Culture – Definition, Meaning and Importance
What is Work Culture? Definition: Work culture is defined as the shared values, behavior, attitudes, and beliefs in the workplace and reflects the ideology and…
Consumer – Definition, Types and Research
Who is a Consumer? Definition: The consumer is an individual, person, or thing who decides to purchase products and hire services catering to personal tastes,…
Marketing Ethics – Definition, Importance, Role and Examples
Marketing ethics is one of the most effective long-term branding, word-of-mouth, and trust-building strategies for optimizing the presence, leads, sales, and conversions of a product…
Ethics in Finance – Meaning, Importance and Code of Ethics
Ethics in Finance talks about financial behavior or activities that are ethically right or wrong. Business ethics that are followed by financial institutions, financial services,…
Group – Definition, Characteristics, Functions and Types
A group is a collection of human beings who interact with each other in a manner that they mutually impact and channel the whole process…
Who are Brand Ambassadors? Their Importance to Businesses
Brand Ambassador Definition A Brand Ambassador is a person hired by the company to represent the brand in a positive light and promotes its offerings…
Ethics – Definition, Importance and Types
Definition Ethics are the moral principles that govern the behavioral inclinations and activities of an individual, society, or organization. Ethics revolves around the philosophical study…
McClelland’s Theory of Needs (Achievement, Affiliation and Power)
What is McClelland’s theory of needs? McClelland’s theory of needs is a theory that describes how people in an organization are motivated by the need…