What is the salary grade? A salary grade is a level of predetermined compensation for a specific position in the organization. The levels are set…
What is Volunteerism? Definition, Examples, Tips and Advantages
The act or practice of doing volunteer work in community service – Merriam Webster. Definition Volunteerism is defined as a concept or practice of offering…
Organizational Conflict: Definition, Types and Advantages
Organizational conflict is defined as a state of disagreement that is caused by perceived or actual opposition amongst the people working in an organization. The…
Customer Loyalty: Definition, Importance, Elements & Stages
Customer Loyalty is a measure of how faithful is the customer to the brand or the possibility of a customer to opt for repeat purchases…
Decision Trees: Definition, Features, Types and Advantages
Decision trees are the predictive models or visual/analytical Decision Support Tools that utilize a tree-like model of decisions in which predictions are made on the…
Assertiveness Skills: Definition, Characteristics and Types
Have you always wanted to speak up for yourself? Are you looking for the right ways to express your feelings freely without losing temper? Then…
What is Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and its Benefits?
When math and psychology are adeptly used for analyzing, organizing, managing, and leveraging complex decision, it is understood as Analytic Hierarchy Process or AHP. Working…
The Top 15 Common Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs
An entrepreneur is someone who dares to build a business on an innovative idea. He builds his business independently, facing and baring all the risks…
Empathic Listening: Definition, Qualities, Skills and Tips
Empathic listening is defined as listening with an intent to care with the feeling of compassion and emotional understanding. It is also known as active…
Desk Research: Definition, Importance and Advantages
Research is an integral part of the marketing of every business. The success of a business depends on the acceptability of the product. Research is…
7 Steps to Create Strategic HRM (Human Resource Management)
Strategic HRM or Strategic Human Resource Management is a process of attracting talent and then retaining, rewarding, and developing them so that at the end…
Brainstorming: Definition, Importance, Types and Tips
Brainstorming revolves around the minds behind design and ideation, as it is the gateway to great ideas. In the simplest form, brainstorming can be understood…
Principles, History & Business Model of HUL (Hindustan Unilever)
Business Model of Hul revolves around the production of fast-moving consumer goods. Established in the year 1933 by the Lever Brothers of United Kingdom, HUL…
What is Consumer Behavior? Definition, Example, Types & Factors
Consumer behavior is the behavioral patterns, decision processes, and actions that a consumer follows while making a purchase decision for a product or service for…
What is Data Analysis? Techniques, Types, and Steps Explained
Process of analyzing, evaluating, cleansing, modeling, and transforming data by utilizing different statistical or analytical tools for finding out some useful information to make helpful…