Personal vision can be termed as an integration of the interests, abilities, goals, skills, values or personality. With your personal vision statement, you will be able to direct your life towards the right choices associated with your career, family and life goals.
Any person who has a particular vision knows how they are going to live their life. It will help you in accomplishing your realistic short-term as well as long-term goals.
In this article, we will dive deep into the world of personal vision to find out the best tips and techniques to craft an own vision that can help you succeed and be more fulfilled in your life. So, let us get started here and now-
Table of Contents
What is Personal Vision?
By incorporating personal vision in life, the individual starts balancing their life.
Personal vision acts as a guide for their decision which ultimately becomes inner-directed and meaning-driven. Also, we can assume that the individual gets more connected to their specific goal and thinks in the long-term.
Researchers have made it clear that individuals with personal vision have that balance cycle instead of the stress cycle.
Stress Cycle is something when a person is a wealth or status-driven, has no particular guidance towards the goals, reactive decision making, and short-term solutions.
On the other hand, the balance cycle is about experiencing and learning; also, it increases one’s productivity in their work.
With personal vision, you will have the power to break free to see a new life for yourself.
In the words of George Washington Carver-
“Where there is no vision, there is no hope.”
But here, it is vital to notice that there are many struggles that you might face while making your personal vision, so let us have a look upon those as well-
Our Struggles with Personal Vision
Several reasons distract us from focusing on Personal Vision. –And you need to be aware of those reasons to make your life be more vision-oriented that is realistic and practical.
Here, we are discussing some of them that will help you in distinguishing those struggles.
Also, it will help you in balancing your life by having a personal vision statement.
1. Never settle for less
Several times we are reminded that we have to make certain decisions of life in a limited range of options. That’s when we are pressurized to go for something according to others’ will.
Some people accept it because they don’t have any other alternative and some never settle for less. They keep on trying to achieve specific goals even if others aren’t going to cheer for them.
We, as an individual, should be allowed to make our decisions, and we alone should be responsible for what happens after it. Don’t care about what others will say, if you have that potential inside, you can always go for it.
Never let others make you feel wrong about you or don’t just opt for something available in front. Try something that you want instead of choosing anything in your limits.
2. Start visualizing
Visualization is crucial to decide what you want in life or what you want from yourself.
If you don’t imagine, then you won’t realize whether something is going to work for you or not. Don’t just visualize anything that will only have a good response, but think about what if it doesn’t work. Don’t just try to make yourself comfortable.
Sometimes people do not want to imagine, but it only restricts your dreams.
One has to imagine creating a better idea of what we are about to consider. Your dreams can never turn into a goal if you don’t visualize it. Randomly thinking about something and not working on it will never let you achieve it, so start visualizing.
3. Don’t be afraid
A constant fear keeps lingering in the corner of our mind, and we become uncertain about our plans and personal vision.
Fear only makes you numb, and you feel that you aren’t worthy of achieving any target. Try to manage your emotions and stop stressing over anything that makes you terrified and afraid. Everything will be alright; keep reminding yourself.
Personal vision can never be achieved or visualized if a person has constant fear while imagining anything. That feeling which doesn’t let you succeed is because you keep on stressing.
We start questioning our competence, and this makes us feel that we can never succeed. Therefore, one has to overcome this fear and move ahead.
4. Stay real, not Perfect
People are obsessed with being perfect, but instead, we should focus on being real.
That’s because none of us can be perfect. Therefore, our vision doesn’t have to be perfect. Try to express what you want and always stay real, that will make you unique. Never look for someone you can copy, you can still be the best version of yourself.
It is never too late to start anything. Grab everything you need and start visualizing, don’t be afraid and keep yourself attached to what you want.
People often forget what they want in life while trying to follow someone. Therefore, it is essential to follow your desire and not be duplicated.
Now, when you overcome these struggles with your personal vision, you need to look upon different components that should be part of your personal vision-
Integral Components of Personal Vision
The most critical components of a personal vision statement are-
- Interests
It tells you about the things that you enjoy doing. Such things let you feel elevated when you start doing them.
- Core Values
These are those things you can take a stand for, and they are valued quite high by your inner self.
- Strengths
Your strengths are the things you are inherently or naturally skillful in.
- Areas of Focus
Things that always want you to pay your heed upon are your areas of focus while making your personal vision.
- Skills
These are the things you are good at, plus you also want to learn more about those to have mastery or expertise in them.
- Profession
Things that you enjoy doing at your work and feel satisfied while doing those.
- Dreams
Things that you want to accomplish in your lifetime are your dreams, and while making your personal vision, you need to pay heed upon professional as well as personal dreams.
After being aware of the components of your personal vision, you must be thinking about how you can develop it for you. So, let us have a look upon the steps that can help you craft a personal vision-
How to Develop your Personal Vision?
“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” – says Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a director, and chair of the Harvard University Advanced Leadership Initiative.
So, if you are also looking for some practical ways to craft your personal vision, below given steps will help you in the most effective manner possible-
1. Evaluate your skills
Start identifying your potential issues and your abilities that you can use in achieving your target. It will help to have a better personal vision and to understand your beliefs and skills. Every person has some skills that can be known or unknown to them, but each of them has it. Therefore, peep inside yourself and find that skill.
Any of your skills can help you in determining whether you will achieve your target or not.
Spend some time thinking about what brings you joy or what are the things you can do the best. Start listing down if you are aware of your skills and this will make you feel elated.
2. Determine your core values
Your values are something that reflects your personality and who you are as a person.
Success is not achieved when you attain your goal, but when you learn its values. So, when you set your goals, it is crucial to think about those principles that you will be following. Your vision statement will always have some values that will help you in achieving.
Start writing any ten values that you know you have on you. Then start recognizing those values which are more valuable than others.
You can choose any five out of ten, and, finally, select 2 out of five that are most important. No one can judge that better than you, so you are your better critic.
3. Recognize your strength
Every individual has some weaknesses and strengths, and each one should be aware of each one of them. Sometimes people characterize their strength as the weakness and vice versa.
But it is crucial to understand that you must not consider your strength as a weakness, instead try to recognize them. Anyone who can distinguish it will be more precise.
Identify your skills and strength that will help you in creating a compelling personal vision.
Your area of focus will eventually help you to decide your goals and targets. So never underestimate your strengths and skills. They are present in you to make you aware of your abilities and fight your weaknesses.
For identifying your strengths, it is suggested to list your skills and then filtering those skills that are marketable. With the help of this, you will be able to make the realistic declarations of your key abilities.
4. Write down about your target
The most important and relevant way to develop a personal vision statement is to recognize your targets.
When you knows about what you should be focusing on, you are aware of your targets. This will always be a plus point in encouraging you to achieve and will give you a precise vision. Start writing about what you need to be in the future.
Writing always helps, whether it is about your problems or any accomplishment. Nothing could be better than penning down your targets and then strictly following a routine to achieve it. You will be more disciplined and target-oriented.
For instance, while making a personal vision statement for your career, you need to choose your field, your preferred role along with the role-specific goals.
Final Thoughts about Personal Vision!
Personal vision is basically whatever you do, think, feel, associate with or impact by.
Personal vision can be developed when you start focusing on your skills, values, strength, and targets. It can be about any issue that distracts you or any skills that boost you.
Motivation and satisfaction can be considered a perfect tool for personal vision.
Therefore, if you are someone who wants to develop it, then try to know yourself. The day you will start understanding yourself, you will begin developing a personal vision.
What is your personal vision? Do you need counseling for accomplishing your personal vision? Then share your details with the M91 team in the comments below.
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